
Dear Scarlett

Dear Scarlett,

Its been a year. A year full of learning and loving. 

It was this time one year ago when we first imagined you and then you became a reality. It started a little bumpy not knowing if you were really there, but all changed when we sat in that doctors office and heard the first whooshings of your heart. In that moment our lives changed. We went from two to three, and our hearts grew bigger then we could have dreamed. 

We waited to tell, I wanted to keep you all to myself. Our secret, my secret. Our imaginations went wild, planning the life you'd live, the personality you'd developed, and the mischief you'd create. But how wrong we were, how little we knew. You have exceeded every dream we've dreamt.  Never would I have thought how happy we'd be and how complete we would feel.  

Miss Scarlett girl you are loved. Thank you for being mine.

1 notes:

Ryan & Courtney said...

I love when you blog!
This is sooo sweet!!!

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