
hallows eve

It blows my mind that its already November 6! It seems like it should barely be August and instead it's getting cold and we are going head first into the Holidays. I love this time of year (like almost everybody else) and am looking forward to Thanksgiving and cooler weather. 

October was good to us, and flew by. We dressed our little miss Scarlett up for her first Halloween and showed her off like the proud parents we are. She made such a cute cow, Jed was the farmer, and like 68% of the female population I was a girl with some sort of ears on my head (kitty cat). 
She made such a sweet little cow and discovered her tongue just in time to show it off for all the pictures. 
We went to our churches Trunk or Treat the day after Halloween and spent time with our family and friends from our old Spanish Branch that we use to attend. I also spent the night hanging out with my two favorite sisters. 
Scarlett had a blast watching all the other kids going a little nuts and got herself pretty tuckered out by the end of the night. 


little miss Scarlett girl,

one half of a whole year. 6 months. that seems like a really long time. honestly it hasn't felt long, but at the same time I can't remember life without you.

you make our lives so much better, in every sense. you have the most contagious smile and love to cuddle. you still love me most, and I am a bit of a Scarlett girl hog.

I feel like the luckiest to be able to spend all my days hanging out with you every second. we are pals and I love watching you learn.

six things you learned in your six month:

1. you no longer are swaddled when you sleep, and you don't take your pacifier anymore. you are growing up.

2. you learned that you love green beans, peas, and carrots, but hate squash.

3. that you love toys. bright colored objects and things that play songs are your favorite. you get frustrated when you can't get them in your mouth, or when I take them away.

4. how to jump. you like your jumper and your toes barley reach the ground, but your able to jump around which makes you laugh.

5. Carter and Jack, you love to play with them and read books, they entertain you and give you lots of kisses. But sometimes they wake you up from naps, which makes you and me cranky.

6. you love being sung to and enjoy all the funny faces that we make. your favorite songs are: the wheels on the bus, popcorn popping, and all the rain drops

 I really hope these next 6 months slow down. love you girl.



This whole motherhood thing is hard. Harder then anyone could have ever explained, or that I could have ever understood.   My Scarlett girl is constantly on my mind; as a new mom I am always thinking, wondering, and praying on how to best take care of this tiny babe of mine. I worry if I am doing my best, if she knows how much she is loved, because man oh man I love that girl with my whole heart. 

These past few weeks have been hard. Trying to figure this "sleeping through the night" is proving much tougher than I had ever thought. At this point I would love if she would even sleep for three hours at a time, but that poor girl and me are struggling to figure it out. 

But each time I'm feeling exhausted and exasperated that little miss tugs on my heart with her contagious smile and sweet demeanor.  I have been trying to avoid that saying, "...I can't wait until.." Because I truly can wait until she gets to that next stage of her life. I never want to take for granted or miss a thing. I am really loving every second of my 5 month..soon to be 6 month old Scarlett girl. But that doesn't mean I don't get tired.. Very tired. 


Dear miss Scarlett

5 things you learned by the time you 5 months: 

1. You found your voice and make the sweetest noises. You love to babble about all the important things you're learning. Each morning when we wake up we have our morning talks.. You fill me in and update me on all your favorite things. I love to lay there and listen to your sweet high voice. 

2.  You're now my rollie pollie. You can finally roll. You know how to roll both ways, but we would never catch you rolling from back to stomach... You hate that. 

3.  You discovered your feet. You love to grab hold of them and rock back and forth. You try to suck on those baby toes, but can quite figure it out...yet. 

4. You can now go to bed on your own. Each night we go through your bed time routine: eat, bathe, lotion, sing, nurse, and then lay you down. You hardly even fuss now. (Still working on nap time)

5.  On your fifth month birthday you tried cereal for the first time. It was so fun to watch you try and eat it. You didn't each much that night, but you sure have eaten a lot every night since then. You love that mushy stuff.

You became so much more interactive and your fiesty personality is coming out. You know what you want and I love that about you. It's so neat to watch you discover the world around you. You're a very happy girl with a smile that takes over your entire face. You make my heart happy and I'm so lucky to spend my days with you. 


Dear Scarlett girl,

Four Months. I think I blinked twice before this happened. So quickly you've grown. I'm enjoying every second of you, and watching you develop your own unique personality. 

4 things that I've learned and love about you at 4 months:

1. You are a flirt. You love to make 'eyes' and smile at the boys. (But mostly just for your daddy so it's okay). 

2. You wake up such a happy girl. You smile and love to cuddle, for about 10 minutes then you're like "FEED ME NOW!!!" 

3. You love AND like me. Which is possible the best feeling in the world. I love that you're a mamas girl. I love that I am the one that you want when you're sleepy, sad, or even happy. We love each other and it's great. 

4. You are completely content being carried in your Bjorne baby pack. You love people watching and smiling at strangers. You'll spend hours in it without making a peep. 

Part of me hates that you are four months. Part of me is desperate to be able to turn back time and  try to soak up more time with my newborn Scarlett. Part of me is anxious that I'll forget, that I won't be able to remember your tiny fingers and toes, your smushed face, wrinkly neck, and hairy bum. Or our late night feedings, just you and me. 

But you know what? A bigger part of me is excited. Not excited for what's to come, but really excited for what's here right now. That is what you are teaching me, Scarlett girl, to love what is happening right now in this moment. Watching you try so hard to learn and discover is making me one proud mama. 

I love you at four months.